Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Estudio sobre experiencias internacionales de evaluacion : Desarrollo rural integrado y proyectos de fomento de las actividades agropecuarias

Otros documentos
Bilbao, Hegoa, 2003
1vol; 350pp; 30cms, español


Esta publicación está disponible en la biblioteca digital de Hegoa


#280 Bec dijo: 10 de Octubre 2012, 18:31
Hi Keith, I am interested in suotprping small food producers in my area. At the moment I am doing an assignment for a rural development course and I am focusing on co-operatives. I feel that this might be a way for a group of small producers in an area to promote and sell their produce in a more efficient and centralized way i.e. making their product more accessible for the consumer.Any thoughts on this or any experience of co-ops? I have been looking at the Tipperary Food Producers site also and while internet shopping is ok and convenient for certain products, I always feel that food needs the see and smell senses to truly appreciate what you are buying.Regards, Mary

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